DD Hammocks 3 x 3 military tarp - DD Multicam
DD Hammocks 3 x 3 military tarp - DD Multicam
  • DD Hammocks 3 x 3 military tarp - Olive green
  • DD Hammocks 3 x 3 military tarp - Olive green
  • DD Hammocks 3 x 3 military tarp - Olive green
  • DD Hammocks 3 x 3 military tarp - Olive green
  • DD Hammocks 3 x 3 military tarp - Olive green

DD Hammocks 3 x 3 military tarp

Model: DD-TRP-33

5 (9)

DD Hammocks 3 x 3 military tarp is our best-selling and recommended shelter for hammock campers of all experience levels. DD Tarp offers reliable protection wherever you go. With its 19 reinforced attachment points the tarps offers a huge number of setup options, and it's the first choice for bushcraft and survival schools, the military and countless wild campers worldwide!

In Stock In stock in our shop - shipped immediately!
Selected Color: Olive green

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DD Hammocks 3 x 3 military tarp is extremely versatile. With the perfect dimensions for regular sized hammocks and shelters, this tarp is what we recommend as ample cover for a single person plus gear. Arrange it in an A-frame or diamond over your hammock for all-round protection, or simply use it to extend a porch on your tent. Cook underneath it. Use it as a ground sheet. Craft it into a tipi-tent.



  • PU coating makes it waterproof
  • Nineteen tough reinforced attachment points: 16 around the sides and corners, and 3 along the centre (ridge line)
  • Four pegs and guy lines included in their own bag
  • Robust and durable material 190T polyester with PU 3000 mm waterproof coating
  • Taped central seam
  • Stuff sack with drawcord closure
  • Packed size: Approx. 24 x 14 x 4 cm
  • Made from 190T polyester with PU 3000 mm waterproof coating, and has a taped central seam
  • Recommended accessory: Perunika paracord Type III 550

Available in DD Multicam pattern

DD Multicam is a pattern developed by DD Hammocks after research, meticulous design and testing spanning over two years. The pattern is based on woodland camouflage and is designed to blend in with woodlands, mountain environments and more.

DD Hammocks

Technical Specifications

Material 100 % 190T polyester with PU coating
Volume Packed size: approx. 24 x 14 x 4 cm
Size 3 x 3 m
Weight 790 g (just the tarp)


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This product is rated 5 out of 5, based on 9 reviews

10.04. 2024


Odlično in trpežno

20.07. 2022

super stvar

lahek, trpezen in dovolj velik.

24.04. 2022


Po uporabi na terenu v vetru in dežju lahko rečem le, da se baša super obnese. Sem pa priložene kline in vrvice zamenjala s paracordom.

24.03. 2021


Ponjava me je prav prijetno presenetila z neomejenimi možnostmi postavljanja in prilagajanja terenu in vremenu.
Prilagam svoj prispevek o njej, iz katerega je razvidno, da sem nad njo navdušena (sploh ker se jo lahko postavlja s pohodnimi palicami v obliki šotora).

13.08. 2020

praktično in kvalitetno

Zelo praktično in kvalitetno šotorsko krilo, ne premoči tudi v hudih nalivih. Veliko število pritrditvenih mest mu omogoca vsestransko uporabnost in možnost postavitve zavetišca v vseh okoliscinah. Ker ima ojačane vogale in pritrditvene točke, pa je zelo vzdržljiv.

25.05. 2020

Uporabno! Bo pa treba še na par bivakov, za boj natančno oceno!

Prvi vtis dober!
Po parih bivakiranjih in taborjenjih pa bolj podrobna analiza????

18.12. 2018

DD tarp is excellent, great value for money

The DD 3x3 tarp is high quality, light and strong, with a lot of reinforced attachment loops. Great for a variety of shelters, hammock cover and whatever else you can think of, that can be set up in any environment to keep you out of the weather.

09.08. 2018


Super zadeva,zelo uporabno

20.06. 2018

Odlična ponjava

Ponjava, pri uporabi katere, je meja samo tvoja domišlija. Zelo kvalitetno izdelana ponjava z veliko zankami. Jaz imam svojo že nekaj let in moram reči da bolj zadovoljen bi bil težko. Nikoli nisem bil moker pod njo, tudi ob močnem dežju. Brez poškodb je prestala zelo močen veter. Ni med najlažjimi, vendar to nadomesti z robustnostjo. Zelo Priporočam!

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DD Hammocks 3 x 3 military tarp

DD Hammocks 3 x 3 military tarp is our best-selling and recommended shelter for hammock campers of all experience levels. DD Tarp offers reliable protection wherever you go. With its 19 reinforced attachment points the tarps offers a huge number of setup options, and it's the first choice for bushcraft and survival schools, the military and countless wild campers worldwide!

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